Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Reading For Dummies 101

Reading can be an exhilarating event.  For my BC ( Business Communication) class we are reading a book name Freakonomics by “Steven D. Levitt and Stephen j. Dubner”. While reading this book there are terms and also very interesting content that I read, in addition to this annotation helps me summarize and understand the content that I have read. I also underline content and words that are very robust to help understand the content a little better or just to remember the word or content. Some advice that I have is to read the book in a quiet place or listen to music to help you to focus on the content of the book that you are reading. I use the method of listen to music; this helps me to stay focused on the task at hand and to drown out any noises that can be distracting.
 Staying on top of your reading for a class can be difficult and sometimes annoying thing. The way that I stayed on top of my reading was by keeping the reading schedule, to help me to remember the reading for that week or the next reading for the week. For a chapter that was assigned on a Monday I would read about 6 to 7 pages that night and throughout the week I would read anywhere from 5 to 12 pages depending on the pages of reading.

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