Friday, May 4, 2012

Stigmas of Richmond California

Richmond California is known to California natives as a high crime city and somewhere you would not want to be at night or anytime of the day.
 From a history background Richmond was settled by the Ohlone Indians about 5,000 years ago. The culture of the city was based on a strong community, spiritual, and rich artistic creativity. During the time of the Ohlone Indians settling the European population decided that they were going take the land from the Indians and populate it for themselves and they took over the land and that was the end of the Ohlone Indians culture.
In the late 1940’s through the 1945’s Richmond was used as a shipyard and construction of shipyard material for the War World 2 era. At this time Richmond was greatly populated and used as an industrial environment that used temporary housing just as the city uses now. Companies such as Chrevon have now left Richmond since the War World 2 was over.

From my point of view I didn’t know that Richmond California was used as an industrial environment I was taught and had heard that Richmond was a bad neighborhood to go to and to be in so now doing some background I found that i like Richmond more do to the history.

in 2009 Richmond,CA crime rate was higher than the National Crime Rate by 59.98

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